The SEPURE project


New strategies to build and manage fish pond systems for a sustainable fish farming



Context and Objectives

France has the largest area of potential freshwater ponds among countries in Europe, which could be used to address the increasing demand for aquatic products. Pond systems provide a wide range of ecosystem services such as water regulation, biodiversity support, and contribution to landscape. Unfortunately, pond systems are increasingly abandoned due to a lack of profitability and attractiveness of their fish products.

The main objective of this project is to design new freshwater pond systems based on diversified production of animals and plants of interest to aquaculture. Thus, the goal is to improve the overall productivity of the system while decreasing environmental impacts and a fair financial return for the operators


The design of the fish polyculture will be based on an analysis of current practices, on a co-construction of the system specifications with representatives of the professionals, and on a trophic link modelling approach. Complementary experiments will be carried out in experimental stations and with volunteer fish farmers. An evaluation phase will include an analysis of the biodiversity and functioning of the ponds, followed by environmental and economic assessments. Based on these elements, operational decision-making tools will be proposed for the choice of fish stocking and pond management (association of complementary species) according to the context.

This work is carried out by scientists in collaboration with producers' and pond owners' unions.

SAS staff involved

Joël Aubin, Michael Corson, Christophe Jaeger, Marc Roucaute, Aurélie Wilfart
