The MEGEVE bioclimatical hall


The MEGEVE bioclimatological hall is an experimental platform for quantifying and understanding gas and particle emissions and heat production from animals and animal waste (e.g. driving factors, relative influence of factors) in livestock buildings.

The hall can reproduce biological systems in meter-scale chambers (6 chambers of 2 m x 2.5 m x 2 m each) placed in a climate-controlled hall (-10°C to +40°C). It is equipped with a metrological system that continuously monitors environmental conditions in the chambers and the hall (temperature; humidity; concentrations of ammonia, greenhouse gases and particles) and allows accurate matter and energy balances to be calculated for each chamber.

The hall is located in Saint-Gilles (Ille-et-Vilaine department, France). The fixed system is supplemented by mobile equipment for observing commercial buildings and experimental stations.


Animal emissions

MEGEVE Hall_side1
MEGEVE Hall_side2