

Because of its strong interdisciplinarity, SAS has extensive scientific partnerships in its scientific fields, both nationally and internationally.

Locally, SAS is a member of the Observatoire des Sciences de l'Univers de Rennes (OSUR), which is a research federation that brings together the main research teams and institutional partners working on dynamics of environments, landscapes and land resources at Rennes University.

Internationally, SAS has long-standing partnerships with Algeria (ENSA d’Alger), Morocco (IAV Institut Agronomique et Vétérinaire Hassan II), Niger (University of Niamey) and Tunisia (INA de Tunis). In India, it is involved in coordinating activities of the International Associated Laboratory CEFIRSE  (Franco-Indian Research Cell in Water Science), which associates in particular the Indian Institute of Sciences, IRD and INRAE (Laurent Ruiz).

SAS develops much of its research in close collaboration with partners from the socio-economic world, mainly technical institutes for animal sectors, Brittany’s regional Chamber of Agriculture and agricultural cooperatives, as well as with farmers or farmers' networks.

Public authorities and territorial communities (regional administration, watershed unions) are also privileged partners, through the financing of finalized research programs, the participation of SAS in management bodies (e.g. Centre de ressources et d'expertise scientifique sur l'eau de Bretagne (CRESEB), and specific orders.