Design axis

The Design axis

The scientific axis Design focuses on  approaches, methods and tools that enable the design of new agricultural systems integrated into territories. 

The research carried out deals with cropping systems on livestock farms and production systems (including aquaculture). 

The axis (15 people) brings together skills in agronomy, animal sciences, agroecology, geography, sociology.

Leader: Matthieu Carof

The SEPURE project

New strategies to build and manage fish pond systems for a sustainable fish farming


The CISTRUITE project

Innovative design of sustainable systems of trout production


The SIMTAP project

Self-sufficient Integrated Multi-Trophic AquaPonic systems for improving food production sustainability and brackish water use and recycling


  • 2019-2022
  • 1 450 000 €
  • Coordinator: University of Pise (Italy)
  • SAS contact: Joël Aubin
  • SAS research axes: Integrated Assessment, Design
  • Website
  • Keywords: Hydroponic; Aquaculture; Aquaponics; Environmental impact; Fish nutrition; Food safety; LCA; LCC; DSS; Emergy; Recirculating agriculture system; Renewable source of protein; Water resources management