JAEGER Christophe

JAEGER Christophe


Scientist at INRAE / SAS

Phone: (+33) 2 23 48 52 28

Email: christophe.jaeger@inrae.fr

Adress: INRAE Centre Bretagne-Normandie, UMR SAS, 65 rue de St-Brieuc, CS 84215, 35042 Rennes Cedex, France

Expertise: Aquaculture, design of sustainable systems, environmental assessment

Keywords: Integrated Multi-Trophic Aquaculture, Agro-ecology, KCP method, Life Cycle Assessment, fishpond, aquaponics system, territory


Current research topics

My activities deal with the design of innovative and agro-ecological aquaculture systems, related to their territory, and the environmental assessment of  aquacultural production systems. I am particularly interested in Integrated Multi-Trophic Aquaculture (IMTA), based on associating organisms of different trophic levels, with the aim of improving nutrient use efficiency. I use to work on freshwater aquaculture systems, ranging from fishponds to recirculating aquaculture systems, like trout rearing or aquaponics system, or spirulina production, but sometimes I also study marine systems.

The systems considered are assessed using Life Cycle Assessment (LCA), N and P budgets and stable isotopes (C and N) to determine relationships among organisms present in the system. To test the sustainable systems designed, I perform experiments in experimental and/or commercial facilities

Latest and current projects
  • CISTruite : Design of innovative systems of trout production (Conception Innovante de Systèmes de production de Truite) (2020-2022 / 2023-2027)
  • EISACam : Ecological Intensification and Sustainable Aquaculture in Cambodia (2023-2024)
  • SIMTAP : Self-sufficient Integrated Multi-Trophic AquaPonic systems for improving food production sustainability and brackish water use and recycling (2019-2023)
  • AMIMA : Assessment of environmental Monitoring methods for Integrated Management of Aquaculture in open sea (2020-2023)
  • SEPURE : New strategies for designing and controling sustainable fishpond systems (Nouvelles stratégies de construction et de conduite de système de production en étang pour une pisciculture durable) (2020-2023)


© Jaeger C.


Maillot, M., Roucaute, M., Jaeger, C., Aubin, J. (2023). "Aquatic macroinvertebrate abundance in French experimental polyculture fishponds." Ecological Solutions and Evidence 4(3): e12279. https://doi.org/10.1002/2688-8319.12279

Nahon, S., de Brito, G., Quental-Ferreira, H., Aubin, J., Jaeger, C., Menniti, C., Kerhervé, P., Larroquet, L., Cunha, M. E. (2023). "Food web in Mediterranean coastal integrated multi-trophic aquaculture ponds: Learnings from fatty acids and stable isotope tracers." Aquaculture: 739292. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.aquaculture.2023.739292

Le Féon, S., Dubois, T., Jaeger, C., Wilfart, A., Akkal-Corfini, N. et al. (2021). DEXiAqua, a Model to Assess the Sustainability of Aquaculture Systems: Methodological Development and Application to a French Salmon Farm. Sustainability, 13 (14), pp.7779. ⟨10.3390/su13147779⟩. ⟨hal-03291115⟩

Jaeger, C., Roucaute, M., Nahon, S. (2021). "Effects of a lagoon on performances of a freshwater fishpond in a multi-trophic aquaculture system." Aquatic Living Resources 34: 4. https://doi.org/10.1051/alr/2021004

Christophe Jaeger, Pierre Foucard, Aurélien Tocqueville, Sarah Nahon, Joel Aubin. Mass balanced based LCA of a common carp-lettuce aquaponics system. Aquacultural Engineering, Elsevier, 2019, 84, pp.29-41 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.aquaeng.2018.11.003

See also

All productions by Christophe JAEGER

Modification date: 16 February 2024 | Publication date: 02 February 2021 | By: SAS