Education activities

The SAS unit is an important resource centre for training due to its research activities at the interface between environmental sciences and agronomy: the broad spectrum of skills of its staff enables it to contribute to training in a variety of disciplines, such as agronomy, agroecology, biogeochemistry, environmental assessment, geomatics, hydrology, soil ecology, soil science, and animal sciences, but also to remain relevant to interdisciplinary training projects.

The unit’s teaching and research teams are involved in 6 initial training courses which represent approximately 3,000 hours of training per year

Agrocology (in English)
- Environmental Engineering
- Plant Sciences and Engineering, Agrosystems option

  • three courses co-accredited with the universities of Rennes

- Master's degree in Water Sciences with the University of Rennes 1
- Master's degree in Remote Sensing/Environment with the University of Rennes 2
- Professional bachelor’s degree “Agroecology professions” (PARTAGER) with the University of Rennes 1

The SAS unit provides other types of training through

  • supervision of doctoral theses for the Ecology, Geosciences, Agronomy and Food (EGAAL) doctoral school, with a permanent staff of approximately 10 doctoral students
  • annual supervision of 10-15 end-of-degree internships from the levels of “Advanced Technician” (BTS) to Master 2
  • doctoral training courses or research schools open to a wide audience of doctoral students and scientists
  • continuing-education sessions for professionals in the unit’s specific fields of expertise: wetlands, soil quality, agroecology, fertilisation, environmental assessment by life cycle assessment, and identification of aquatic invertebrates

These training activities also involve educational innovations, notably the development of teaching modules that use information and communication technologies for teaching (ICTE), such as

  • the "SErious Game in AgroEcology” (SEGAE)
  • the Massive Open Online Course "Landscape Dynamics” of ENVAM/OSUR

Modification date: 06 February 2023 | Publication date: 19 January 2021 | By: SAS