Resources axis

The Resources axis

The scientific axis  Resources focuses on understanding the spatio-temporal dynamics of waters and soils under the joint influence of climate and agricultural activities changes. 

The objectives are to detect, understand and predict spatial and temporal changes in hydrological functioning, soil functioning, and carbon-nitrogen-phosphorus biogeochemical cycles. 

This axis (25 people) brings together skills in agronomy, soil sciences, hydrology and modelling.

Leaders: Rémi Dupas, Didier Michot

The TNTBretagne2020 project

Update and regional application of TNT2 model in support to public policies on nitrogen pollution remediation »


The eLTER PLUS project

Research Infrastructure for Long-Term Ecosystem Research in Europe


  • 2020-2025
  • Coordinators: Prof. Jaana Bäck (University of Helsinki, Finland) ; co-coordinator: Dr. Michael Mirtl (UFZ, Germany)
  • BAGAPcontact: Ophélie Fovet
  • SASaxis: Resources
  • Web site
  • Keywords: Terrestrial, freshwater and transitional ecosystems, long-term observations, holistic approach, European research infrastructure

The SELUNE project

Observatory of water, sediment and chemical fluxes in response to dam removal in the Selune River


  • 2012-
  • 178 000 € for 2019-2021
  • Coordinator: UMR SAS
  • SAS contact: Ophélie Fovet
  • SAS research axis: Resources
  • website
  • Keywords: suspended sediments, dissolved elements, geomorphology, dam removal, dam

The CARBOSEQ project

Soil organic carbon sequestration potential of agricultural soils in Europe


The CRITEX project

Innovative Equipment for the Critical Zone


Modification date: 24 November 2021 | Publication date: 01 July 2021 | By: SAS