FOVET Ophélie

FOVET Ophélie


Scientist at INRAE / UMR SAS

Phone: (+33) 2 23 48 54 38


Address: INRAE Centre Bretagne-Normandie, UMR SAS, 65 rue de St-Brieuc, CS 84215, 35042 Rennes Cedex, France

Fields of expertise: hydrology and solute transport, surface water quality

Keywords: anthropized catchments, headwaters, nutrient, carbon, suspended solids, water and solute transit times, biogeochemistry



Current research topic

My research topics are hydrology and biogeochemistry. I am interested in understanding the processes that determine the water quality of streams and rivers, especially in the context of agricultural environments. I use diverse monitoring and modelling approaches to characterize the transfer, transit times and reaction processes of water and some major chemical elements, mainly nutrients (N, P) and C.

I focus on small headwater catchments (10 ha - 100 km2) to medium-scale catchments (ca. 1000 km2).

I am involved in several observation platforms for research. In particular, I am scientific coordinator of a research observatory on agricultural catchments: the AgrHyS Observatory.

Current projects
  • Ecological Restoration of the Sélune River: Dynamics of water, sediments and dissolved chemical elements in the Sélune River before, during and after dam removal (2014-2021)
  • Biogeochemical processes of intermittents and ephemeral rivers and streams in temperate and oceanic context (2022-2025). Supervision of the Ph.D. thesis conducted by Andres Casanova and programme OBTAINER funded by Region Bretagne. 
  • eLTER PLUS: Advanced community project for long-term ecosystem research in Europe (2020-2025)
  • STRANGE: Ecosystem services supplied by aquatic ecosystems to adjacent agricultural environments at different scales.
Participation in networks

Teaching experience

Hydrology: general introduction. Licence Pro PARTAGER (Institut Agro Rennes, Université de Rennes 1)

Transfers in catchments: Part I Hydrologie. ESA Angers.




Fovet O, Meric F, Crave A, Cador J-M and Rollet A-J (2023) Early assessment of effects of dam removal on abiotic fluxes of the Selune River, France. Front. Environ. Sci. 11:1231721.

Hrour Y., Thomas Z., Fovet O., Sebari K., Rousseau-Gueutin P. Changes in precipitation and discharge in a Mediterranean catchment as a response to climate change and human activities. Journal of Water and Climate Change 1 September 2022; 13 (9): 3253–3273. doi:

Bhaduri B., Sekhar M., Fovet O., Ruiz L. Estimating solute travel times from time series of nitrate concentration in groundwater: Application to a small agricultural catchment in Brittany, France, Journal of Hydrology, Volume 613, Part A, 2022, 128390,

Strohmenger L., Fovet O., Hrachowitz M., Salmon-Monviola J., Gascuel-Odoux C., Is a simple model based on two mixing reservoirs able to reproduce the intra-annual dynamics of DOC and NO3 stream concentrations in an agricultural headwater catchment? Science of The Total Environment, Volume 794, 2021, 148715,

Fovet O, Belemtougri A, Boithias L, et al. Intermittent rivers and ephemeral streams: Perspectives for critical zone science and research on socio-ecosystems. WIREs Water. 2021; 8:e1523.

Guillemot, S., Fovet, O., Gascuel-Odoux, C., Gruau, G., Casquin, A., Curie, F., Minaudo, C., Strohmenger, L., and Moatar, F.: Spatio-temporal controls of C–N–P dynamics across headwater catchments of a temperate agricultural region from public data analysis, Hydrol. Earth Syst. Sci., 25, 2491–2511,, 2021.

Strohmenger, L., Fovet, O., Akkal-Corfini, N., Dupas, R., Durand, P., Faucheux, M., Gruau, G., Hamon, Y., Jaffrezic, A., Minaudo, C., Petitjean, P., and Gascuel-Odoux, C., 2020. Multi-temporal relationships between the hydro-climate and exports of carbon, nitrogen and phosphorus in a small agricultural watershed, Water Resour. Res., e2019WR026323.

Benettin, P., Fovet, O., and Li, L. , 2020. Nitrate removal and young stream water fractions at the catchment scale, Hydrological Processes, 34, 2725-2738.

Fovet, O., Ndom, M., Crave, A., and Pannard, A., 2020. Influence of dams on river water-quality signatures at event and seasonal scales: The Sélune River (France) case study, River Research and Applications,

Fovet, O., Cooper, D. M., Jones, D. L., Jones, T. G., and Evans, C. D., 2020. Dynamics of dissolved organic matter in headwaters: comparison of headwater streams with contrasting DOM and nutrient composition, Aquatic Sciences, 82, 29.

See also

All productions by Ophélie FOVET


ORCid :

ResearcherId : A-7809-2013

ResearchGate profile :


Modification date: 15 February 2024 | Publication date: 02 February 2021 | By: SAS