The FAIRCHAIN project


Innovative technological, organisational and social solutions for FAIRer dairy and fruit and vegetable value CHAINs



FAIRCHAIN addresses the growing need for a significant transformation of current food systems by developing competitive intermediate food-chain alternatives adapted to small and mid-sized actors. FAIRCHAIN specifically aims to:

  • Foster the emergence of innovative intermediate food value chains that support the scaling-up of small and mid-sized actors facing an unsustainable conventional dominant agri-food system
  • Inspire and encourage larger actors to down-scale conventional food value chains and better address the growing need of consumers to consume local high-quality and safe products.

The main goal of FAIRCHAIN is to test, pilot and demonstrate recently developed technological, organisational and social innovations.

FAIRCHAIN will address the dairy and fruit & vegetable sectors, which hold a strategic economic position in Europe.

SAS staff involved

Caroline Malnoë, Julie Auberger, Joël Aubin



Funding and Support

EU H2020 – RUR 06