Digital tools and services

Digital tools and services


The Scientific Interest Group (GIS) “Environmental assessment of agricultural and food products”, which consists of ADEME, ACTA, ACTIA and INRAE, focuses on environmental assessment of agricultural and food products.

GéoSAS - geographic web platform

GeoSAS digital services provide a set of tools for archiving, publishing, reusing and reporting quantitative (e.g. geographical, temporal) or qualitative research data, as well as for models and decision-support tools

MEANS platform

The MEANS platform (MulticritEria AssessmeNt of Sustainability) is an IT platform dedicated to multicriteria evaluation of plant and animal production systems and the processing of agricultural product

Sols de Bretagne

Sols de Bretagne is a multi-partner programme initiated in 2005 that aims to develop knowledge about soil characteristics to determine their suitability for different uses and their potential regarding environmental and agronomical issues, to monitor changes in soil quality and to disseminate this knowledge.

 The SyNE calculator

SyNE – System Nitrogen Efficiency – facilitates understanding of nitrogen-use efficiency indicators.

Syst’N Software

The Syst'N® tool estimates nitrogen losses to facilitate assessment of nitrogen losses in cropping systems and ultimately to improve nitrogen management in agricultural areas.

  • Heads: Virginie Parnaudeau (UMR SAS Rennes), Raymond Reau (UMR Agronomie Grignon) ; partie informatique : Pascal Dubrulle (INRAE AgroEcoSystem)
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