
Scientist at INRAE / SAS

Phone: 02 23 48 54 38


Address: INRAE Bretagne-Normandie, UMR SAS, 65 rue de St-Brieuc, CS 84215, 35042 Rennes Cedex, France

Fields of expertise: Dynamics and management of nitrogen in cropping systems

Keywords: Nitrogen, soil, cropping systems, decision support tools, modeling, agroecology

Member of the AGILE research group of the SAS research unit
Scientist (agricultural engineer) – Ph.D. (2005)
Assistant director of the SAS research unit



The main topic of my research is dynamics and management of nitrogen (N) in cropping systems. I am interested in understanding biochemical cycles in soils and contributing to mitigation of N emissions to the environment. I help design agroecological systems by building decision-support systems (DSS) with end-users.

My initial research work focused primarily on understanding and modelling soil C and N fluxes after spreading of organic manure and other products, by relating their biotransformation to their composition. I am now interested in combining researchers’ and end-users’ knowledge to build DSS. In this way, with a team of researchers and engineers, we have developed the software Syst’N with its end-users.
It is based on a simple dynamic N model and aims to:

  • quantify N losses in cropping systems
  • allow extension service advisers to estimate N losses
  • contribute to the design of environmentally friendly agricultural systems.

I work on DSS and indicator properties to help farmers drive their production systems towards agroecology and sustainability.

  • Syst’N®: The software Syst’N aims to estimate N losses in cropping systems and help advisers and farmers find ways to improve management of N in their systems.
  • Agro-éco-Syst’N: Identification of agroecological cropping systems with low N losses using the assessment tool Syst’N® (2017-2020)
  • TI Terres de Sources – Workpackage 2.2.: Supporting farmers towards agricultural systems that improve water qualit (2020-2022)
  • EIDER: Resilient grazing and fodder systems (2020-2022)
  • RMT Bouclage
  • RMT Champs et territoires ateliers
  • UMR Agronomie Grignon : R Reau, MH Jeuffroy
  • UMR ECOSYS Grignon : S Génermont, S Houot
  • UMR BAGAP : B Roche, G Martel
  • UMR Lisis : M Cerf

Technical Partners: M Heurtaux (ACTA), C Le Gall (Terres Inovia), Anne Guezengar and Mariana Moreira (CRAB)

Consulting experience

  • Member of GREN (group of experts on N fertilization methods), Bretagne
  • Member of the technical group and the scientific committee of PLAV2 (second program to lower algal blooms in Brittany)


Martin G., Durand J-L., Duru M., Gastal F., Julier B., Litrico I., Louarn G., Médiène S., Moreau D., Valentin-Morison M., Novak S., Parnaudeau V., Paschalidou F., Vertès, F., Voisin A-S., Cellier P., Jeuffroy M-H., 2020. Do tomorrow’s cropping systems need temporary ley pastures? A review. Agronomy for Sustainable Development, 40:17.

Cerf, M., Parnaudeau, V., Reau, R. 2019. Vers un diagnostic agronomique stratégique traitant de questions agro-environnementales. Agronomie, environnement et sociétés. 9 (2), 27-37.

* Nitschelm L, Parnaudeau V, Vertès F, van des Werf HMG, Corson MS, Viaud V, Aubin J, Walter C (2018). Improving LCA estimates of nitrogen emissions during crop rotations at the scale of an agricultural territory, Environmental Science & Technology, 52, 1330-1338. 10.1021/acs.est.6b03865.

* R Dupas, V Parnaudeau, R Reau, MH Jeuffroy, P Durand, C Gascuel-Odoux (2015). Integrating local knowledge and biophysical modeling to assess nitrate losses from cropping. Environmental modelling & software, 69, 101-110.

* Parnaudeau V., Reau R., Dubrulle P., (2012). Un outil d'évaluation des fuites d'azote vers l'environnement à l'échelle du système de culture : le logiciel Syst'N. Innovations Agronomiques 21, 59-70.

* Viaud V., Angers, D.A., Parnaudeau, V., Morvan, T. & Aubry-Menasseri, S. (2011). Response of organic matter to reduced tillage and animal manure in a temperate loamy soil. Soil Use and Management, 27, 84-93.

* Parnaudeau, V., Genermont, S., Henault, C., Farrugia, A., Robert, P., and Nicolardot, B. (2009). Measured and simulated nitrogen fluxes after field application of food-processing and municipal organic wastes. Journal of Environmental Quality 38, 268-280.

* Parnaudeau, V., Jeuffroy, M.H., Machet, J.M., Reau, R., Bissuel, C. & Eveillard, P. (2009) Methods for determining the nitrogen fertiliser requirements of some major arable crops in France. Proceedings 661, International Fertiliser Society, 1-26. Conférence invitée

* Cannavo P, Recous S, Parnaudeau V, Reau R (2008) Modeling N dynamics to assess environmental impacts of cropped soils. Advances in Agronomy 97, 131-174.

* Parnaudeau V., Condom N., Oliver R., Cazevieille P., Recous S. Vinasse organic matter quality and mineralization potential, as influenced by raw material, fermentation and concentration processes (2008). Bioresource Technology, 99:1553-1562.

See also

All productions by Virginie PARNAUDEAU

Modification date: 10 March 2024 | Publication date: 03 February 2021 | By: SAS