VIAUD Valérie

VIAUD Valérie


Senior Scientist at INRAE / SAS

Phone: (+33) 2 23 48 51 42

Address: INRAE Centre Bretagne-Normandie, UMR SAS, 65 rue de St-Brieuc, CS 84215, 35042 Rennes Cedex, France

Fields of expertise: Agronomy, landscape agronomy, environmental sciences, sustainability science

Keywords: Landscape scale, soil, carbon storage, hedges, agroforestry, social-ecological systems



Current research topics

I work at the interface between agronomy and environmental sciences, on the analysis and modeling of relationships between the spatio-temporal functioning of agricultural systems, and biophysical processes and flows in agricultural areas.

My research contributes to the evaluation of environmental impacts of agricultural activities on natural resources. They are positioned at the spatial scale of landscapes or small watersheds, which allows properties that emerge at these scales to be considered.

In recent years, I have focused on processes related to the dynamics of organic matter and carbon storage in soils. My approach consists of considering how spatio-temporal organization of agricultural uses and practices, combined with a heterogeneous physical environment (soil diversity), generates specific properties at the landscape scale.

I developed this research in the context of “bocage” landscapes, which are characterized by the presence of hedge networks on the edges of agricultural fields. I consider them as models of heterogeneous agricultural landscapes, which allow me to develop methodological approaches adapted to consideration of a variety of sources of heterogeneity at multiple spatial and temporal resolutions.

Finally, in a context of multiple transitions, I am involved in interdisciplinary approaches to interactions between agriculture and the landscape/environment, in collaboration with social sciences. I am currently interested in how the landscape dimension can be integrated into the design of new, more agroecological agricultural systems, which would better exploit the heterogeneity of the environment in which they operate and protect resources.

Current projects
  • CARBOSEQ: Soil carbon sequestration potential in Europe (2021-2025)
  • TI Terres de Sources  – action 2: Co-designing agricultural systems with farmers that improve water quality (2020-2022)
  • EIDER: Sustainable and resilient grazing systems (2020-2022)
  • RESP’HAIES: Resilience and performance of farms associated with hedges (2019-2022)
  • ATCHA: Accompanying the adaptation of irrigated agriculture to climate change (2017-2020)
  • PARCHEMINS: Words and pathways of coastal agriculture (2017-2020)


Viaud, V., Künnemann, T. 2021. Additional soil organic carbon stocks in hedgerows in crop-livestock areas of western France. Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment, 305, pp.107174.⟩.

Bertrand, I., Viaud, V., Daufresne, T., Pellerin, S., Recous, S., submitted. 2020. Stoichiometry constraints challenge the potential of agroecological practices for the soil C storage. A review. Agronomy for sustainable Development 39 (6): 54. IF 4,101

Kay, S., Paracchini, M.L., Sandor, M., Szerencsits, E., Memedemin, D., Varga, A., Mosquera-Losada, M.R., Rosati, A., Burgess, P., Smith, J., Wawer, R., Herzog, F., Viaud, V., Moreno, G., den Herder, M., Rega, C., Palma, J., Borek, R., Crous-Duran, J., Roces-Díaz, J.V., Freese, D., Giannitsopoulos, M., Graves, A., Jäger, M., Paris, P., Pantera, A., Rolo, V., Lamersdorf, N., 2019. How much can Agroforestry contribute to Zero-Emission Agriculture in Europe? - Converting 8.9% of European farmland to agroforestry could mitigate between 1 and 43% of European agricultural greenhouse gas emissions. Land Use Policy 83: 581-593. IF 3,194

Le Guillou, C., Chemidlin Prévost-Bouré, N., Akkal-Corfini, N., Dequiedt, S., Nowak, V., Terrat, S., Menasseri-Aubry, S., Viaud, V., Maron, P.-A., Ranjard, L., 2018. Tillage Intensity and Pasture in Rotation Effectively Shape Soil Microbial Communities at a Landscape Scale. MicrobiologyOpen e676. IF 2,682

Moreno, G., Aviron, S., Berg, S., Crous-Duran, J., Franca, A., de Jalon, S.G., Hartel, T., Mirck, J., Pantera, A., Palma, J.H.N., Paulo, J.A., Re, G.A., Sanna, F., Thenail, C., Varga, A., Viaud, V., Burgess, P.J., 2018. Agroforestry systems of high nature and cultural value in Europe: provision of commercial goods and other ecosystem services. Agroforestry Systems 92, 877-891. IF 1,201

Viaud, V., Santillàn-Carvantes, P., Akkal-Corfini, N., Le Guillou, C., Prévost-Bouré, N.C., Ranjard, L., Menasseri-Aubry, S., 2018. Landscape-scale analysis of cropping system effects on soil quality in a context of crop-livestock farming. Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment 265, 166-177. IF 3,541

Nitschelm, L., Parnaudeau, V., Vertes, F., van der Werf, H.M.G., Corson, M.S., Viaud, V., Aubin, J., Walter, C., 2018. Improving Estimates of Nitrogen Emissions for Life Cycle Assessment of Cropping Systems at the Scale of an Agricultural Territory. Environmental Science and Technology 52, 1330-1338. IF 6,653

Buysse, P., Fléchard, C., Hamon, Y., Viaud, V., 2016. Impact of water regime and land use on soil CO2 efflux in a small temperate agricultural catchment. Biogeochemistry 130, 267-288. IF 3,265

Lacoste, M., Viaud, V., Michot, D., Walter, C., 2016. Model-based evaluation of impact of soil redistribution on soil organic carbon stocks in a temperate hedgerow landscape. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms 41 (11): 1536-1549. IF 3,722

Louis, B.P., Maron, P.A., Menasseri-Aubry, S., Sarr, A., Leveque, J., Mathieu, O., Jolivet, C., Leterme, P., Viaud, V., 2016. Microbial Diversity Indexes Can Explain Soil Carbon Dynamics as a Function of Carbon Source. Plos One 11. IF 2,766

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Modification date: 04 March 2024 | Publication date: 10 November 2021 | By: SAS