ROBIN paul

ROBIN paul


Scientist at INRAE / SAS

Phone: (+33) 2 23 48 52 21 • Email :

Address: INRAE, UMR SAS, 65 rue de St-Brieuc, CS 84215, 35042 Rennes Cedex, France

Fields of expertise: bioclimatology, measurement and modelling of heat and mass fluxes of animal houses and manure management facilities in controlled or commercial conditions, design of animal housing, design of manure recycling systems

Keywords: animal housing, sensible heat, latent heat, carbon dioxide, ammonia, nitrous oxide, methane, manure management, composting, vermifiltration



Current research topics
  • Knowledge relevant to improve the performance of animal production and reduce the emission of pollutants, through housing design, management of animals and manure, and biological intensification of by-product recycling. Particular emphasis is placed on understanding the influence of biological regulations on the causes of heat production and change in phase or speciation (nature of causal variables, hierarchy of variables as a function of process, environment and scale).
  • Design of experimental facilities, development of measuring methods for controlled or commercial conditions, adaptation of rules for processing raw data depending on how the results will be used. With Mélynda Hassouna, Paul is in charge of an experimental platform in which climate, building characteristics, and animal and waste management can be reproduced to calibrate models and deliver design parameters.
  • Inclusion of knowledge in process-modelling software, development of tools to support decision-making of farmers or farm advisers.
Current projects
  • EMISOLBV: Standardized method to measure emissions of ammonia and greenhouse gases from the dairy floor
  • PROSPER: Propose resilient systems for ready-to-feed duck production
  • CCCFarming: Climate Care Cattle Farming Systems
  • EMIGRAZE: Feeding strategies associating grazed and conserved forages: strengths or constraints for nitrogen efficiency and gaseous emissions in dairy systems?
  • TEMPORALIS: Temperature reduction in pig houses to decrease ammonia emissions
  • PIGAMMO: Mechanistic modelling of ammonia emissions for different management processes of manure, in buildings and external storage units, on pig farms
  • RMT Livestock buildings

Teaching experience

  • Master’s level: Optimizing the design of animal houses (University of François Rabelais, Tours, since 1999), Agrocampus Ouest (UE ecotechnologies since 2014, UE agroecology, since 2018)
  • Training courses for scientists (Brazil, Senegal) and for farm advisers (France)
  • Accompanying Master’s and Ph.D. students in their research

Consulting experience

  • Thermal design of animal housing (insulation, ventilation): adapting current knowledge to various mammals and birds
  • Quantifying gaseous emissions during composting processes
  • Development of vermifiltration pilots




Edouard, N., Charpiot, A., Robin, P., Lorinquer, E., Dollé, J.B., Faverdin, P. 2019. Influence of diet and manure management on ammonia and greenhouse gas emissions from dairy barns. Animal. 13 (12), 2903-2912

Hassouna, M., Vigan, A., Guingand, N., Brame, C., Edouard, N., Eglin, T., Espagnol, S., Eugène, M., Génermont, S., Lagadec S., Lorinquer, E., Loyon, L., Ponchant, P., Robin, P., 2019, "Database to collect emission values for livestock systems : ELFE database",, Portail Data INRAE, V1

Litt, J., Laborde, M., Lavigne, F., Bijja, M., Bernardet, M.D., Robin, P., Amand, G., Pertusa, M., Labussiere, E., Cadudal, F., Techene, J., Deneufbourg, C., Lamothe, L., 2019. Ecofog – Gagner en compétitivité et réduire les impacts environnementaux de la filière foie gras. Innovations Agronomiques, INRA, 2019, 71, pp.51–66.

Marcon, M., Massabie, P., Amand, G., Robin, P., Chevalier, D., Kergourlay, F., Nicolas, C., Keita, A., 2017. Modélisation des flux d’énergie directe et indirecte pour les bâtiments des filières porcine et avicole. Innovations Agronomiques, INRA, 2017, 55, pp.55–70.

Robin, P., Chetouane, W., Amand, G., Keïta, A., Tavares, M., Nicolas, C., Créach, P., Prigent, J.-P., Pigache, E., M'Hamdi, N., Rousset, N., 2019. GestCO2, heat, carbon and water budgets of a broiler batch (ROSS 308): observations and associated modelling equations., Portail Data INRAE, V1

Robin, P., Morel, C., Vial, F., Landrain, B., Toudic, A., Li, Y.S., Akkal-Corfini, N. 2018. Effect of Three Types of Exogenous Organic Carbon on Soil Organic Matter and Physical Properties of a Sandy Technosol. Sustainability. 10 (4)  

Robin, P., Oudart, D., Paillat, J.-M., Paul, E., Planchais, J., Lorinquer, E., Aubert, C., Hassouna, M., 2019. MEGASMOC, modèle et base de données pour représenter les processus physiques et biologiques dans un «tas» de matière organiques., Portail Data INRAE, V1

Robin, P., Paillat, J. M., Lorinquer, E., Aubert, C., Toudic, A., Farinet, J.L., Cluzeau, D., Ponchant, P., Levasseur, P., Le Bris, B., Capdeville, J., Oudart, D., Akkal-Corfini, N., Hassouna, M. 2018. Procédés et traitements par compostage des effluents d’élevages. Amaury Guardia. Compostage et composts – Avancées scientifiques et techniques, Lavoisier Tec&Doc, pp.531–583, 2018, 978–2–7430–2359–1. hal–02083267

Rojano, F., Bournet, P.E., Hassouna, M., Robin, P., Kacira, M., Choi, C.Y. 2019. Modelling the impact of air discharges caused by natural ventilation in a poultry house. Biosystems Engineering. 180, 168-181

Vigan, A., Hassouna, M., Guingand, N., Brame, C., Edouard, N., Eglin, T., Espagnol, S., Eugène, M., Génermont, S., Lagadec, S., Lorinquer, E., Loyon, L., Ponchant, P., Robin, P., 2019. Development of a Database to Collect Emission Values for Livestock Systems. Journal of Environmental Quality 48, 1899-1906.