
Scientist at INRAE / SAS

Phone: (+33) 2 23 48 59 42


Address: INRAE Centre Bretagne-Normandie, UMR SAS, 65 rue de St-Brieuc, CS 84215, 35042 Rennes Cedex, France

Fields of expertise: livestock systems, environmental impacts, environmental tools and databases, animal nutrition

Keywords: LCA, Emergy accounting, livestock systems, aquacultural systems, ecosystems services, energy fluxes, ECOALIM



Current research topics

My research activities focus on improving environmental assessment methods, such as Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) and Emergy Accounting (EA), to adapt them to the specific characteristics of agricultural systems. I apply these environmental analysis methods to assess environmental impacts of agricultural systems related to animal production and aquaculture systems. Some of my research relies on designing and developing environmental analysis tools based on LCA and EA.

I am also the main Editor of the French LCA database of animal feedstuff (Ecoalim database) and the co-leader of the “Tools for analysis of territorial flows” axis of the Mixed Technological Network MAELE

  • DairyMix  (2022-2025) : Multi-criteria assessment, decision support and management tools for sustainable circular mixed farming systems for dairy production
  • Circul'AB (2022-2024): Transitions in mixed crop-livestock systems for autonomous organic farming on a regional scale in Brittany
  • Int'AB: Levers and obstacles to the closure of biogeochemical flows from organic farms in the regions (2023-2024)

Participation in networks

  • RMT MAELE: French network for the transfer of research results on livestock and environment at the territory scale, co-leader of the “Methods and Tools” axis
  • GIS ApIVAlE: Scientific group and platform based in north-western France for the integrated management of manure (member of scientific committee and coordination office)
  • Emergy Society: https://www.emergysociety.com/
  • AgorACV: Scientific group based in north-western France on LCA http://www.agoracv.fr/
  • Ph.D. thesis committee of the EGAAL doctoral school (member)

Teaching expertise

2011-present: Introductory courses on agricultural LCA, Emergy accounting, Ecofeed (lectures and laboratory assignments) in several Master’s and Engineering degree schools (ISTOM, Institut Polytechnique UNILASALLE, Agrocampus Ouest, INP Toulouse)

Consulting expertise

Expert for the Ministry of Research and Higher Education for the Research Tax Credit scheme




Pouil, S., Slembrouck, J., Wilfart, A., Caruso, D., Arifin, O.Z., Favalier, N., Samsudin, R., Kristanto, A.H., Aubin, J., 2024. The potential of floating macrophytes as feed and phytoremediation resources to improve the environmental performance of giant gourami production in Indonesia: A life cycle assessment. Aquaculture 579, 740181.


Chary, K., van Riel, A.j., Muscat, A., Wilfart, A., Harchaoui, S., Verdegem, M., Filgueira, R., Troell, M., Henriksson, P., de Boer, I., Wiegertjes, G., 2023. Transforming sustainable aquaculture by applying circularity principles. Rev. Aquacult.

Harchaoui, S., Blazy, V., Péchenart, E., Wilfart, A., 2023. Challenges and opportunities for improving circularity in the poultry meat and egg sector: The case of France. Resources, Conservation and Recycling 193, 106963.

Thiébeau, P., Auberger, J., Clivot, H., Wilfart, A., Recous, S., 2023. Environmental footprint of dehydrated alfalfa production (Medicago sativa L.) in France. J. Cleaner Prod. 423, 1-17.

Wilfart, A., Baillet, V., Balaine, L., Díaz de Otálora, X., Dragoni, F., Krol, D.J., Frątczak-Müller, J., Rychła, A., Rodriguez, D.G.P., Breen, J., Anestis, V., Buckley, C., Alem, H., Winiwarter, W., Akkal-Corfini, N., Amon, B., 2023a. DEXi-Dairy: an ex post multicriteria tool to assess the sustainability of dairy production systems in various European regions. Agron. Sustain. Dev. 43, 82.

Wilfart, A., Garcia-Launay, F., Terrier, F., Soudé, E., Aguirre, P., Skiba-Cassy, S., 2023b. A step towards sustainable aquaculture: Multiobjective feed formulation reduces environmental impacts at feed and farm levels for rainbow trout. Aquaculture 562, 738826.


Díaz de Otálora, X., Dragoni, F., del Prado, A., Estellés, F., Wilfart, A., Krol, D., Balaine, L., Anestis, V., Amon, B., 2022. Identification of representative dairy cattle and fodder crop production typologies at regional scale in Europe. Agron. Sustain. Dev. 42, 94.

Senga Kiessé, T., Corson, M.S., Wilfart, A., 2022. Analysis of milk production and greenhouse gas emissions as a function of extreme variations in forage production among French dairy farms. J. Environ. Manage. 307, 114537.


Borghino, N., Corson, M.S., Nitschelm, L., Wilfart, A., Fleuet, J., Moraine, M., Breland, T., Arvid, Lescoat, P., Godinot, O., 2021. Contribution of LCA to decision making: A scenario analysis in territorial agricultural production systems. J. Environ. Manage. 287, 112288.

de Quelen, F., Brossard, L., Wilfart, A., Dourmad, J.-Y., Garcia-Launay, F., 2021. Eco-friendly feed formulation and on-farm feed production as ways to reduce the environmental impacts of pig production without consequences on animal performance. Frontiers in Veterinary Science 8, 689012.

Le Féon, S., Dubois, T., Jaeger, C., Wilfart, A., Akkal-Corfini, N., Bacenetti, J., Costantini, M., Aubin, J., 2021. DEXiAqua, a Model to Assess the Sustainability of Aquaculture Systems: Methodological Development and Application to a French Salmon Farm. Sustainability 13, 7779.

Méda, B., Garcia, F., Dusart, L., Ponchant, P., Espagnol, S., Wilfart, A., 2021. Reducing environmental impacts of feed using multiobjective formulation: What benefits at the farm gate for pig and broiler production? Animal 15, 100024.

Pampouille, E., Dusart, L., Bonnouvrier, A., Danel, J., Dauguet, S., Désolé, M., Heuze, V., Lambert, W., Le Bourhis, C., Le Cadre, P., Martin, N., Méda, B., Michaud, C., Mignon-Grasteau, S., Narcy, A., Peyronnet, C., Quinsac, A., Recoules, E., Schouler, C., Tormo, E., Tran, G., Vilariño, M., Wilfart, A., Bouvarel, I., 2021. Use of local raw materials in broilers feed to improve French protein autonomy. Innovations Agronomiques 82, 425-440.

Wilfart, A., Gac, A., Salaün, Y., Aubin, J., Espagnol, S., 2021. Allocation in the LCA of meat products: is agreement possible? Cleaner Environmental Systems 2, 100028.

All my productions are available in the HAL platform under  the idHal "aurelie-wilfart"


See also

Modification date: 16 February 2024 | Publication date: 05 February 2021 | By: SAS