WALTER Christian

WALTER Christian


Professor at l'Institut Agro, Director of SAS research unit, Corresponding member of the French Academy of Agriculture

Phone: (+33) 2 23 48 54 39


Address: Institut Agro, UMR SAS, 65 rue de St-Brieuc, CS 84215, 35042 Rennes Cedex, France

Fields of expertise: soil science, spatial analysis, agronomy

Keywords: soil quality, soil mapping, digital soil mapping, spatial analysis, ecosystem services



Since 2019, I have served as the Director of the Soil, Agro-hydrosystems and Spatialisation research unit.

My personal research is focused on spatial and temporal variations of soils and analysis of impacts of agricultural production systems on soil quality. I now perform research activities through supervision of Ph.D. and Master’s students or through daily collaboration with members of the research unit.

Current research topics
  • Quantitative methods of spatial soil analysis
  • Soil quality in agrosystems
  • Carbon dynamics in soils
  • Environmental assessment
Current Projects
  • EJPSOIL: Towards climate-smart sustainable management of agricultural soils (2020-2025)
  • SERENA : Modelling soil functions and soil threats for mapping soil functions and ecosystems services (2021-2025)
  • EVA_SEQUES: Assessment of carbon sequestration scenarios in soils and vegetation in support of territorial public policies (2024-2026)
Participation in networks
  • International Union of Soil Sciences (IUSS)
  • Pedometrics commission and Digital Soil Mapping Working Group of the IUSS, French National Society of Soil Science (AFES)
  • French Academy of Agriculture

Teaching experience

I provide a full teaching service from the L3 level to the M2 level in the agricultural engineering course, the master of Water Sciences, co-accredited with Rennes University, and a professional “licence” degree.
My teaching themes focus on fundamentals of soil, soil as a medium for agricultural production and interface in the environment and soil spatial-analysis approaches.
I am also involved in continuing education and coordinate a doctoral school on assessment of ecosystem services provided by soils.



Peer-reviewed articles since 2020

  • Veenstra J., Coquet Y., Melot R., Walter C. (2024) A European stakeholder survey on soil science skills for sustainable agriculture. European Journal of Soil Science, e13449,
  • Merlet H., Moussa I., Michot D., Pichelin P., Ado N., Adam I., Guéro Y., Walter C. (2024) Apport de la télédétection multi-temporelle à l’identification de zones potentiellement salées dans les périmètres irrigués du Niger. Etude et Gestion des Sols, sous presse
  • Senga Kiesse T., Lemercier B., Corson M., Ellili-Bargaoui Y., Afassi J,; Walter C. (2024) Assessing dependence between soil ecosystem services as a function of weather and soil: Application of vine copula modelling. Environmental Modelling and Software 172, 105920,
  • Ellili-Bargaoui Y., Walter C., Lemercier B., Armand R., Sameh S., Michot D. (2023) The accuracy of soil information influences assessment of soil ecosystem services in Brittany, France. Geoderma Regional, vol.31,
  • Zayani, H., Fouad, Y., Michot, D., Kassouk, Z., Baghdadi, N., Vaudour, E., Lili-Chabaane, Z., Walter, C. (2023) Using Machine-Learning Algorithms to Predict Soil Organic Carbon Content from Combined Remote Sensing Imagery and Laboratory Vis-NIR Spectral Datasets. Remote Sensing, 15, 4264.
  • Zayani, H., Fouad, Y., Michot, D., Kassouk, Z., Lili-Chabaane, Z., Walter, C. (2023) Detecting the temporal trend of cultivated soil organic carbon content using visible near infrared spectroscopy. Journal of Near Infrared Spectroscopy,   vol.31 (5), 241-255,
  •   Kiessé, T. S., Lemercier, B., Corson, M. S., Ellili-Bargaoui, Y., & Walter, C. (2023). Analysis of extreme values of soil ecosystem services predicted from associated soil properties and weather conditions. European Journal of Soil Science, 74(1), e13342. 13342
  •   Ma, Y.; Minasny, B.; Viaud, V.; Walter, C.; Malone, B.; McBratney, A. 2023 Modelling the Whole Profile Soil Organic Carbon Dynamics Considering Soil Redistribution under Future Climate Change and Landscape Projections over the Lower Hunter Valley, Australia. Land. 12, 255.
  •   Richard C., Lemercier B., Michot D., Pascal Pichelin, Rémy A., Berthier L., Walter C. 2023 End- user- oriented pedotransfer functions to estimate soil bulk density and available water capacity at horizon and profile scales. Soil Use and Management, 39, 270–285.
  • Zarai, B; Walter, C; Michot, D; Montoroi, JP; Hachicha, M. 2022 - Integrating multiple electromagnetic data to map spatiotemporal variability of soil salinity in Kairouan region, Central Tunisia. J. of Arid Land, voL. 14,2, 186-202,
  • Ado, M.N.; Michot, D.; Guero, Y.; Thomas, Z.; Walter, C. 2022  - Monitoring and Modeling of Saline-Sodic Vertisol Reclamation by Echinochloa stagnina. Soil Syst. 2022, 6, 4.
  • Chen, SC; Arrouays, D; Mulder, VL; Poggio, L; Minasny, B; Roudier, P; Libohova, Z; Lagacherie, P; Shi, Z; Hannam, J; Meersmans, J; Richer-de-Forges, AC; Walter, C. 2022 - Digital mapping of GlobalSoilMap soil properties at a broad scale: A review. Geoderma, vol. 409, 115567,
  • Fossey M., Martin R., Besse C., Von Fisher C., Ducommun C. et Walter C. , 2021 - Évaluation des services écosystémiques fournis par les sols agricoles en appui à la planification territoriale : cas des systèmes prairiaux du territoire de Nantes Saint-Nazaire. Etude et Gestion des Sols, 28, 113-142
  • Matteau JP, Célicourt P., Létourneau G, Gumiere T., Walter C & Gumiere S. 2021 - Association between irrigation thresholds and promotion of soil organic carbon decomposition in sandy soil. Scientific Reports. 11:6733
  •   Ellili-Bargaoui Y, Walter C., Lemercier B., Michot, D. 2021 - Assessment of six soil ecosystem services by coupling simulation modelling and field measurement of soil properties, Ecological Indicators, Volume 121, 2021, 107211, doi: 10.1016/j.ecolind.2020.107211.
  • Aïchi H, Y. Fouad, D. Causeur & C. Walter (2020) Organic Carbon and Total Iron Effect on Soil Vis-SWNIR Spectra and Quantification of Their Contents Using PLS R Models, Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis, 51:9, 1253-1267, DOI: 10.1080/00103624.2020.1751187
  • Chen S., Mulder VL,Heuvelink G.B.M, Poggio L., Caubet M., Román Dobarco M., Walter C., Arrouays D., 2020 -Model averaging for mapping topsoil organic carbon in France, Geoderma, Volume 366, 114237, ISSN 0016-7061,
  • Ellili-Bargaoui Y., Walter C., Michot D., Lemercier B., 2020 - Mapping soil properties at multiple depths from disaggregated legacy soil maps in the Brittany region, France, Geoderma Regional, Volume 23, e00342, ISSN 2352-0094,
  • Moussa I., Walter C., Michot D., Adam I., Nicolas H., Pichelin P., Guero Y. 2020 – Soil salinity assessment in irrigated paddy fields of the Niger valley using a Four-Year time series of Sentinel-2 satellite images. Remote sensing, 12, 3999,
  • Fossey M, Angers D, Bustany C, Cudennec C, Durand P, Gascuel-Odoux C, Jaffrezic A, Pérès G, Besse C and Walter C (2020) - A Framework to Consider Soil Ecosystem Services in Territorial Planning. Front. Environ. Sci. 8:28. doi: 10.3389/fenvs.2020.00028
  • Ellili-Bargaoui Y. Malone B., Michot D., Minasny B., Vincent S., Walter C., Lemercier B. 2020 - Comparing three approaches of spatial disaggregation of legacy soil maps based on the Disaggregation and Harmonisation of Soil Map Units Through Resampled Classification Trees (DSMART) algorithm. SOIL, 6, 371-388,

See also

All productions by Christian WALTER in Orcid

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Modification date: 19 February 2024 | Publication date: 05 February 2021 | By: SAS