
Scientist at INRAE / SAS

Phone: 02 23 48 54 25

Address: INRAE Centre Bretagne-Normandie, UMR SAS, 65 rue de St-Brieuc, CS 84215, 35042 Rennes Cedex, France

Field of expertise: Applied statistics

Mots-clés: Environmental impact, livestock system, risk analysis, statistical modelling


I am interested in integrating statistical methods with environmental assessment tools for risk analysis of agricultural systems.
Tools for environmental assessment of systems, such as Life Cycle Assessment, provide multiple indicators useful for guiding agricultural systems towards environmental sustainability. However, agricultural production systems depend both on farmer management practices and on natural environmental conditions, which are not controllable. Uncertainty and variability due to farmers’ decisions and climate and economic conditions must therefore be considered when assessing environmental impacts of agricultural systems. In this context, risk analysis methods will help in the decision-making process to improve environmental performances of agricultural systems.

  • Inrae, UMR H « Herbivores », Saint-Genès-Champanelle, France
  • Inrae, UMR MoSAR « Modélisation systémique appliquée aux ruminants », Paris, France
  • Université de Nantes, Laboratoire GeM « Génie Civil et Mécanique », Saint-Nazaire, France
  • Université Gustave Eiffel, Nantes, France
  • Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, Amsterdam, The Netherlands


Senga Kiessé, T., Corson, M.S., Le Galludec, G., Wilfart, A. (2020). Sensitivity of greenhouse gas emissions to extreme differences in forage production of dairy farms. Livestock Science 232, 103906.

Awad, M., Senga Kiessé, T., Assaghir, Z., Ventura, A. (2019). Convergence of sensitivity

analysis methods for evaluating combined influences of model inputs. Reliability Engineering and System Safety 189, p.109-122.

Senga Kiessé, T., Corson, M.S., Wilfart, A., Eugène, M., Aubin, J. (2019). Analysis of enteric methane emissions due to extreme variations in management practices of dairy production systems. Agricultural Systems 173, p.449-457.

Thévenot, A., Rivera, J.L, Wilfart, A., Maillard, F., Hassouna, M., Senga Kiessé, T., Le Féon, S., Aubin, J. (2018). Mealworm meal for animal feed: Environmental assessment and sensitivity analysis to guide future prospects. Journal of Cleaner Production 170, p. 1260–1267.

Senga Kiessé, T., Ventura, A., van der Werf, H.M.G., Cazacliu, B., Idir, R., Andrianandraina (2016). Introducing economic actors and their possibilities for action in LCA using sensitivity analysis: Application to hemp-based insulation products for building applications. Journal of Cleaner Production 142, p. 3905-3916.

See also

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Modification date: 19 February 2024 | Publication date: 05 February 2021 | By: SAS