Salmon Monviola Jordy

Salmon Monviola Jordy


Adresse postale : INRAE Bretagne-Normandie, UMR SAS, 65 rue de St-Brieuc, CS 84215, 35042 Rennes Cedex, France

Champ d’expertise : Hydrologie, Modelling

Mots-clés : Hydrology, Water Quality, Modelling




My work focuses on the design and development of agro-hydrological models at watershed level. These models are used to validate knowledge hypotheses and to evaluate change scenarios (agricultural practices or systems, landscape, climate) in order to contribute to better preservation of water quality and adaptation of agricultural activities and landscapes.

Past projects

Spatially distributed modeling of water and nitrogen transfers in agricultural catchment (Projets ANR Acassya, Escapade ; Projet Bagages)

Coupling nutrient fluxes at the land-sea interface (Projet DIETE, Agence de l’eau/ Ifremer).

Current projects

Conceptual carbon-nitrogen modeling of agricultural watersheds, coll. TU Delft.

Analysis of variability and spatial structuring of water and chemical element transfer times in catchment (Projet DERIDE, Pari Scientifique AQUA, 2023-2025)

Participation in networks

CATI IUMAN INRAE (Informatisation et Utilisation des Modèles pour les Agroécosystèmes Numériques)


Salmon-Monviola, J., Fovet, O., and Hrachowitz, M., 2024. Improving the internal hydrological consistency of a process-based solute-transport model by simultaneous calibration of streamflow and stream concentrations, Hydrol. Earth Syst. Sci. Discuss, in review, 2024.

Dupas R, Fovet O, Aubert A.H., Crave A, Salmon-Monviola J, Molénat J, 2023. A French hydrologist’s research for sustainable agriculture. Journal of Hydrology, 617-A.

Gascuel-Odoux C, Fovet O, Faucheux M, Salmon-Monviola J, Strohmenger L, 2023. How to assess water quality change in temperate headwater catchments of western Europe under climate change: examples and perspectives. Comptes Rendus. Géoscience, pp. 1-11.

Strohmenger L, Fovet O, Hrachowitz O, Salmon-Monviola J, Gascuel-Odoux C, 2021. Is a parsimonious model based on two mixing reservoirs able to reproduce the intra-annual dynamics of DOC and NO3 stream concentrations in an agricultural headwater catchment? Science of the Total Environment, 794.

Ratmaya W, Soudant D, Salmon-Monviola J, Plus, M, Cochennec-Laureau N, Goubert E, Andrieux-Loyer F, Barillé L, Souchu P, 2019. Reduced phosphorus loads from the Loire and Vilaine rivers were accompanied by increasing eutrophication in the Vilaine Bay (south Brittany, France). Biogeosciences, 16, 1–20

Casal, L., Durand, P., Akkal‐Corfini, N., Benhamou, C., Laurent, F., Salmon‐Monviola, J., Vertès, F. (2019). Reduction of stream nitrate concentrations by land management in contrasted landscapes. Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems, 114, 1–17

See also

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