PEPIN Antonin

PEPIN Antonin


Researcher at UMR SAS / INRAE


Address: INRAE, UMR SAS, 65 rue de St-Brieuc, CS 84215, 35042 Rennes Cedex, France

Expertise: Agronomy

Keywords: Farming system design, agroecology, territory, crop-livestock integration



I work on the design of agroecological cropping systems in livestock farming territories. My research project is organized into three parts:

  • Diversification of cropping systems on a supra-farm scale, based on the assumption that this scale makes it possible to mobilize agroecological levers that are not, or only to a limited extent, possible on the scale of an individual farm.
  • Transfers within a territory or between neighboring territories, particularly in terms of fertility. Territorial specialization generates disparities in the production of fertilizing organic matter, with areas that are densely populated with livestock being able to produce a surplus while others, such as areas specialized in crops, have a deficit.
  • Understanding innovation and the conditions of its production. In this section, I seek to understand and describe the existing innovation and the conditions that led to its realization.

Prior to this, I did my thesis at UMR SAS and the Centre Technique Interprofessionnel des Fruits et Légumes (CTFIL) from 2019 to 2022, on the environmental performance of organic vegetable farms, using the life cycle assessment (LCA) method.

Ongoing projects
  • AMPERA : Metabolic and landscape approach for a territorialized agro-ecological transition in livestock farming (coordinated by V. Viaud and C. Thenail) (2023-2027)
Completed projects
  • MESCLUN DURAB : A digital tool to link sustainability assessment and the (re)design of innovative vegetable production systems (coordinated by K. Morel) (2023-2027)


Antonin Pepin, Maria Vittoria Guidoboni, Philippe Jeanneret, Hayo van Der Werf (2023-04). Using an expert system to assess biodiversity in life cycle assessment of vegetable crops. Ecological Indicators, 148, 110098,,, OA

Guillaume Martin, Marc Benoit, Christian Bockstaller, Petros Chatzimpiros, Caroline Colnenne-David, Souhil Harchaoui, Arnaud Hélias, Antonin Pépin, Philippe Pointereau, Hayo van der Werf et al. (2023-07). Reducing energy consumption without compromising food security: the imperative that could transform agriculture. Environmental Research Letters, 18 (8), 081001,,, OA

Antonin Pepin, Marie Trydeman Knudsen, Kevin Morel, Dominique Grasselly, Hayo van Der Werf (2022-12). Environmental assessment of contrasted French organic vegetable farms. Acta Horticulturae, (1355), 209-216,,, OA

Antonin Pepin, Kevin Morel, Hayo van Der Werf (2021-05-30). Conventionalised vs. agroecological practices on organic vegetable farms: Investigating the influence of farm structure in a bifurcation perspective. Agricultural Systems, 190,,, OA

Antonin Pepin, Kevin Morel, Hayo van Der Werf (2021-08). Data on structure and farming practices of French organic vegetable farms, with focus on the use of inputs and the socio-economic context. Data in Brief, 37,,, OA

Antonin Pepin (2022-05-17). Performance environnementale de fermes maraîchères en agriculture biologique. (Institut Agro - Agrocampus Ouest Rennes). Thèse C-160 2022-9,, OA


See also

All the publications of Antonin Pépin

Modification date : 16 February 2024 | Publication date : 11 March 2022 | Redactor : SAS