MORVAN Thierry

MORVAN Thierry


Scientist at INRAE / SAS

Phone: +33(0) 2 98 95 99 63


Address: UMR SAS, 4 rue Stang Vihan, 29000 Quimper, France

Fields of expertise: Agronomy, Agroecology, Environment

Keywords: N and C mineralization/storage, nitrate leaching, ammonia volatilization, GHG emissions, animal waste products, cropping systems, modelling


Current research topics

My current activity is focused on the design, management and coordination of projects.  These projects contribute to my research activity, which has focused for many years on biogeochemical cycles of carbon and nitrogen in soils that receive organic waste products: carbon storage, quality of organic matter, nitrogen fertilizer value, and losses to water (nitrate) and to the air (ammonia and nitrous oxide).

Current projects

Experimental platform EFELE (2012-2032): long-term trial of the SOERE PRO network. In charge of the platform: management of human resources, financial resources and scientific aspects. Involvement in SOERE PRO working groups (information system development, metrology, etc.).

  • Sol-AID (2016-2020): regional project in partnership with the Brittany Chambers of Agriculture; this project aims to develop a web service to estimate soil organic nitrogen mineralization. Project coordinator.
  • EPSOLYS (2017-2021): ERDF-Brittany Region project for the design of an embedded system on a trailer for spreading solid organic products (manure, compost, etc.) to allow for real-time assessment of the chemical composition of products applied to the soil. Coordinator of one section of the project.
Participation in networks and working groups
  • RMT Elevages et Environnement
  • Comifer
Scientific expertise
  • Contribution to the INRAE national study “4per1000”
  • Regional expert for French Government services (DRAAF and Regional Prefecture) on the issue of controlling water pollution

Selected publications

  • Morvan T., Lemoine C., Gaillard F., Hamelin G., Trinkler B., Carteaux L., Petitjean P., Jaffrezic A., , 2020. A comprehensive dataset on nitrate, nitrite and dissolved organic carbon leaching losses from a 4-year lysimeter study. Data in Brief, Vol 32, doi: 10.1016/j.dib.2020.106029
  • S.Sadet-Bourgeteau, S.Houot, B.Karimi, O.Mathieu, V. Mercier,D. Montenach, T. Morvan,V. Sappin-Didier, F. Watteau, V. Nowak, S.Dequiedt,PA. Maron, 2019. Microbial communities from different soil types respond differently to organic waste input. Applied Soil Ecology, 143, 70-79.
  • C. Petitjean, A. Philibert, V. Manneville, B. Amiaud, A.-S. Perrin, X. Charrier, F. Gastal, A. de Vliegher, K. Willekens, D. Montenach, S. Houot, T. Morvan, S.Piutti, 2019. Biomasse microbienne carbonée et activités enzymatiques : gammes de valeurs obtenues pour différents sols agricoles français et belges. Etude et Gestion des Sols, Vol 26, 81-92
  • Akkal-Corfini N, Morvan T, Menasseri-Aubry S, Poulain D, Orsini F, Leterme P, 2010. Nitrogen mineralization, plant uptake and leaching of 15N labelled cauliflower residues (Brassica oleracea) incorporated in the soil: a 3-year lysimeter study. Plant and Soil, 3é8, 17-26
  • Lashermes G, Nicolardot B, , Parnaudeau V, Thuriès L, Chaussod R, Guillotin ML, Lineres M, Mary B, Metzger L, Morvan T, Tricaud A, Villette C, Houot S, 2010. Typology of Exogenous Organic Matter based on Chemical and Biochemical Compositions to Predict Nitrogen Availability. Bioresource Technology, 101: 157-164
  • Morvan T., Nicolardot B, 2009. Role of organic fractions on C decomposition and N mineralization of animal wastes in soil. Biology and Fertility of Soils, 45: 477-486

See also

All productions by Thierry MORVAN

Modification date: 06 February 2023 | Publication date: 27 October 2021 | By: SAS