
Scientist at Institut Agro / SAS

Phone: (+33) 2 23 48 54 73


Address: Institut Agro, UMR SAS, 65 rue de St-Brieuc, CS 84215, 35042 Rennes Cedex, France

Fields of expertise: Agronomy, agroecology, environment

Keywords: soil quality, aggregate stability, organic matter recycling, anaerobic digestion, cropping system assessment, modelling


Current research topics

My research focuses on understanding the processes of aggregation and stabilization of soil structure under the impact of organic inputs (e.g. crop residues, raw or transformed manures) over the short, medium and long terms at different spatial scales, from the microcosm under controlled laboratory conditions to the landscape scale. More recently, I am interested in the influence of plant cover on processes. This research contributes to the optimization of organic matter management at the field scale, but also to the transformation of organic products (e.g. anaerobic digestion).
I also study the impact of these practices combined with other aspects of the cropping system (e.g. tillage, rotation, mineral fertilization) on soil organic carbon dynamics. I thus contribute to the development of conceptual models that describe the dynamics of soil organic matter.

Current projects
  • Proterr: Optimizing the integration of organic waste products into cropping systems as a mechanism for ecosystem services provided by soils at the territorial scale (2018-2021)
  • MethaPolsol: Territorial anaerobic digestion strategies which manage climate change, dilute nitrogen pollution and improve soil quality (2016-2019)
Participation in networks
  • GIS Apivale (Integrated approach to organic waste recovery)
  • RMT Bouclage (Recycling, fertilization and environmental impacts)
  • SOERE PRO (A network working on environmental impacts of recycling of organic waste products on soil, air and water quality over long time scales)
Scientific expertise
  • Recovery of fertilizers of residual origin on agricultural or forest soils (2014)
  • Carbon storage in French soil: what is the potential of the “4 per 1000 objective” and at what cost? (2019)

Teaching experience

My courses concern cropping system assessment, environmental policies, soil quality assessment, organic matter characterization, carbon and nitrogen cycling, and modelling.


Samson M.E., Chantigny M.H., Vanasse, A., Menasseri-Aubry S., Royer I., Angers D.A. 2020. Management practices differently affect particulate and mineral associated organic matter and their precursors in arable soil. Soil Biology and biochemistry, 148

Panettieri, M., Guigue J., Chemidlin Prevost-Bouré N., Thévenot M., Lévêque J., Le Guillou C., Maron P.A., Santoni A.L., Ranjard L.,Mounier S., Menasseri S., Viaud V., Mathieu O. 2020. Grassland-cropland rotation cycles in crop-livestock farming systems regulate priming effect potential in soils through modulation of microbial communities, composition of soil organic matter and abiotic soil properties. Agriculture, Ecosystem, Environment, 299

Samson, M.E., Menasseri-Aubry S., Chantigny M.H., Angers D.A., Royer I., Vanasse A. 2019. Interactive effects of conservation tillage practices and fertilizer sources on crop yield depend on crop species and soil type. Field Crops Research, 243

Le Guillou, C., Prevost-Boure, N.C.; Karimi, B., Akkal-Corfini, N., Dequiedt, S., Nowak, V., Terrat, S., Menasseri-Aubry, S., Viaud, V., Maron, P.A., Ranjard, L. 2019. Tillage intensity and pasture in rotation effectively shape soil microbial communities at a landscape scale. MicrobiologyOpen. 8 (4), 12 10.1002/mbo3.676 <Go to ISI>://WOS:000466794200026

Viaud V., Santillan-Carvantes P., Akkal-Corfini N., Le Guillou C., Chemidlin Prevost-Bouré N., Ranjard L., Menasseri-Aubry S. 2018. Landscape-scale analysis of cropping system effects on soil quality in a context of crop-livestock farming. Agriculture, Ecosystem and Environment, 265, 166-177.

Houot S., Lemée L., Menasseri S., Parnaudeau V., Morel C., Mollier A. 2018 Intérêts agronomiques des composts. In de Guardia A. (ed) Compostage et composts. Avancées scientifiques et techniques Ed Lavoisier. P 197-240.

Bottinelli N., D.A. Angers, V. Hallaire, D. Michot, C. Le Guillou, D. Cluzeau, D. Heddadj, S. Menasseri-Aubry. 2017. Tillage and fertilization practices affect soil aggregate stability in a humic cambisol of Northwest France. Soil and Tillage Research, 170, 14-17

Louis B.P., Maron P.A., Viaud V., Leterme P., Menasseri-Aubry S. 2016. Soil C and N models that integrate microbial diversity. Enviromental chemistry letters, 14, 331-344.

Louis B.P., Maron P.A., Menasseri-Aubry S., Sarr A., Leveque J., Mathieu O., Jolivet C., Leterme P., Viaud V. 2016. Microbial diversity indexes can explain soil carbon dynamics as a function of carbon source. Plos one, 11.

Denes J., A. Tremier, S. Menasseri-Aubry, C. Walter, L. Gratteau, S. Barrington. 2015. Numerical simulation of organic waste aerobic biodegradation: A new way to correlate respiration kinetics and organic matter fractionation. Waste Management, 36, 44-56.

See also

All productions by Safya MENASSERI

Modification date: 06 February 2023 | Publication date: 03 February 2021 | By: SAS