
Scientist at Institut Agro / SAS

Phone: (+33) 2 23 48 54 20

Email: Anne.jaffrezic@agrocampus-ouest.fr

Address: Institut Agro, UMR SAS, 65 rue de St-Brieuc, CS 84215, 35042 Rennes Cedex, France

Fields of expertise: Soil health, Environmental chemistry, Biogeochemistry

Keywords: carbon, nitrogen, phosphorus cycle, diffuse pollution, anaerobic digestion, agricultural catchment, dissolved organic carbon, veterinary pharmaceutical, EEM fluorescence



After an education in environmental analytical chemistry and a Ph.D. in soil science focused on the transfer of trace elements in agricultural catchments, I am currently an assistant professor of soil science specialised in soil and water chemistry (e.g. diffuse pollution; biogeochemistry; C, N and P geochemical cycles).

Current research topics
  • Dissolved organic carbon sources and pathways in agricultural catchments
  • Influence of landscape structure (wetland) in mitigating diffuse pollution
  • Climatic and agronomic factors that control dissolved C, N and P fluxes in soils
  • Occurrence of veterinary pharmaceuticals in agricultural catchments. Assessment of soil ecosystem services, soil health, and exogenous organic matter
Participation in networks


  • UMR Geosciences Rennes
  • Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Santé Publique (EHESP)
  • S. Inamdar, University of Delaware, USA
  • S. Du, University of Wuhan, China
  • M. Chantigny and I. Royer, Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada

Teaching experience

Assistant professor of soil science, coordination of the Master’s degree TEAM (Transition, Environment, Agrifood Management) and its engineer specialisation. This Master’s degree programme was based on a prospective study that involved many professionals and described the evolution of professions in the environment. Several observations emerged, as follows.

  • The environmental dimension is essential in public decision-making
  • Climate change and the preservation of resources (e.g. biodiversity, water, soil) require adapting scenarios of development and spatial planning
  • Several laws (e.g. energy transition, biodiversity laws, the Water Framework Directive) provide an evolving regulatory framework
  • New agricultural models that place the environment at the centre of technical practices are emerging.

This Master’s degree programme has two specific characteristics that are necessary to approach complex environmental issues (natural resources management, food systems):

  • A close relation between engineering and social sciences to understand the complexity of processes related to these objects: multi-issues and multi-actors
  • An approach to these issues at the systemic level of the territory.


Humbert G., Jaffrezic A., Fovet O., Gruau G., Durand P., 2015 : Dry season length and runoff control annual variability in stream DOC dynamics in a small, shallow groundwater-dominated agricultural watershed., Water Resources Research 51, https://doi.org/10.1002/2015WR017336

Dupas R., Gruau G., Sen Gu, Humbert G., Jaffrézic A., Gascuel-Odoux C.. 2015. Groundwater control of biogeochemical processes causing phosphorus release from riparian wetlands. Water Research, , 84, 307-31, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.watres.2015.07.048

Jaffrezic A., Soulier A., Carrera L., Le Bot B, Jardé E. 2017. Veterinary pharmaceutical contamination in mixed land use watersheds : from agricultural headwater to water monitoring watershed. Science of the Total Environment, 609, 992-1000, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.scitotenv.2017.07.206

Fovet O, Humbert G, Dupas R, Grimaldi C, Gruau G, Gascuel-Odoux C, Thelusma G, Faucheux M, Gilliet N, Hamon Y, Jaffrezic A and Durand P. 2018. Seasonal variability of stream water quality response to storm events captured using high-frequency and multi-parameter data. Journal of hydrology,,559,282-293. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jhydrol.2018.02.040

Charuaud, L., Jarde, E., Jaffrezic, A., Thomas, M.-F., Le Bot, B. 2019. Veterinary pharmaceutical residues from natural water to tap water: Sales, occurrence and fate. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 361, 169–186. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jhazmat.2018.08.075

Charuaud, L., Jarde, E., Jaffrezic, A.,Liotaud M., Goyat Q., Mercier F., Le Bot, B., 2019. Veterinary pharmaceutical residues in water resources and tap water in an intensive husbandry area in France. Science of the Total Environment, 664, pp.605-615. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.scitotenv.2019.01.303

Humbert, G., Parr, T.B., Jeanneau, L., Dupas, R., Petitjean, P., Akkal-Corfini, N., Viaud, V., Pierson-Wickmann, A.-C., Denis, M., Inamdar, S., Gruau, G., Durand, P., Jaffrezic, A.. 2019. Agricultural Practices and Hydrologic Conditions Shape the Temporal Pattern of Soil and Stream Water Dissolved Organic Matter. Ecosystems, https://doi.org/10.1007/s10021-019-00471-w

Jeanneau L., Buysse P., Denis M., Gruau G., Petitjean P., Jaffrezic A., Flechard C. ,Viaud V. 2020. Water Table Dynamics Control Carbon Losses from the Destabilization of Soil Organic Matter in a Small, Lowland Agricultural Catchment. Soil Systems, 4, 2; https://doi.org/10.3390/soilsystems4010002

Fossey M., Angers D., Bustany C., Cudennec C., Durand P., Gascuel-Odoux C., Jaffrezic A., Peres G., Warot G., Walter C.. 2020. A Framework to consider soil ecosystem services in territorial planning. Frontiers in Environmental Science, 8, 28. https://doi.org/10.3389/fenvs.2020.00028

Strohmenger, L., Fovet, O., Akkal Corfini, N., Dupas, R., Durand, P., Faucheux, M., Gruau G., Hamon Y., Jaffrezic A., Minaudeau C., Petitjean P., Gascuel-Odoux C.. 2020. Multitemporal relationships between the hydroclimate and exports of carbon, nitrogen, and phosphorus in a small agricultural watershed. Water Resources Research, 56, e2019WR026323. https://doi.org/10.1029/2019WR026323

See also

All productions by Anne Jaffrézic

Academic accounts : https://orcid.org/0000-0002-9811-748X