Scientist at INRAE / SAS

Phone: (+33) 2 23 48 54 29

Email: souhil.harchaoui@inrae.fr

Addresse postale: INRAE Centre Bretagne-Normandie, UMR SAS, 65 rue de St-Brieuc, CS 84215, 35042 Rennes Cedex, France

Fields of expertise: Geography, energy, environment

Keywords: Agricultural transitions, livestock, energy and nutrient flows, circularity, agricultural metabolism, territories


Current research topics

My research topics focus on the modelling of agricultural transitions. Based on integrative approaches of energy and nutrient flows, I examine links among energy functioning, environmental impacts and the feeding capacity of agriculture. I am interested in developing a framework to characterize the circularity of flows and the role of livestock farming in transitions of agricultural territories.

  • Laboratoire Interdisciplinaire des Energies de Demain (LIED), UMR 8236, Université de Paris, France
Current projects
  • Participant of the INSECT4CITY consortium within the BETTER meta-programme (2021)

Teaching Experience

Tutorial classes at the Geography and Urban Planning department of the University of Paris: Urban and rural geography (24h, 1st year undergraduate level), Systems and resources (48h, 3rd year undergraduate level)


HARCHAOUI, S., CHATZIMPIROS, P., 2019. Energy, Nitrogen, and Farm Surplus Transitions in Agriculture from Historical Data Modeling. France, 1882-2013. Journal of Industrial Ecology, 23(2), 412-425

HARCHAOUI, S., CHATZIMPIROS, P., 2018. Can Agriculture Balance Its Energy Consumption and Continue to Produce Food? A Framework for Assessing Energy Neutrality Applied to French Agriculture. Sustainability 10, 4624

HARCHAOUI, S., CHATZIMPIROS, P., 2017. Reconstructing production efficiency, land use and trade for livestock systems in historical perspective. The case of France, 1961–2010. Land Use Policy 67, 378–386

See also

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