| Scientist at INRAE / SAS Phone: (+33) 2 23 48 52 27 Email: chantal.gascuel@inrae.fr Address: INRAE, UMR SAS, 65 rue de St-Brieuc, CS 84215, 35042 Rennes Cedex, France Expertise: water quality, agricultural catchment functioning, agroecology in research, soil and water monitoring at all scales, soil ecosystem services Keywords: water quality, agriculture, soil and water, agroecology |
At SAS, I am currently involved in several research projects: C-N-P transfer in headwater catchments (long-term observatories) and climate drivers; nutrient fluxes in streams and rivers at multiple scales, and land-use and landscape factors; assessment of soil ecosystem services; citizen-based soil science. I am a senior expert on relationships between water quality and rural landscapes, specifically in the context of climate change.
Current projects
- AgrHys Observatory (INRAE funding): C-N-P transfer in headwater catchments (long-term observatories) and their climate drivers.
- ADAM (co-funding from the region and the water agency): C-N-P nutrient concentrations and fluxes from headwater catchments to streams throughout Brittany.
- SoilServ (National Research Agency): assessment of soil ecosystem services.
At the national level of INRAE, I am the joint scientific director in Environment, and through that position, I am currently involved in national scientific coordination of soil and water issues within INRAE, between scientific departments, with other scientific research institutes (e.g. CNRS, Meteo France, CEREMA), as well with environmental agencies (OFB, Ademe), ministries in charge of environment and agriculture, NGOs and economic partners. I co-coordinate the interdisciplinary scientific prospective for research in agroecology. I contribute to the management of a variety of European projects on soil and water issues.
Current projects
- Clé de Sol (Fondation de France funding): co-built (with UNCPIE, FNE, CA-GE) for a citizen-science project on soils. Co-coordination.
- EJP SOIL (EU funding): European joint programme on soil, coordinated by Claire Chenu, and for which I coordinate INRAE's involvement for the entire project, and personally involved on a WP on the science-policy interface.
- CSA Agroecollnet (EU funding): co-built a European network for scaling up agroecology in Europe. Co-coordinated by Heather McKahn. Co-coordination.
- JPI water: member of the French mirror group; contribute to SRIA, coordinate INRAE's involvement.
Consulting experience
- I am a regional expert in the Brittany MRAe (Mission for Environmental Assessment) of land planning at multiple scales and projects.
- I co-coordinated the scientific collective expertise on eutrophication.
Books I have coordinated or to which I have contributed:
Le Moal, M.; Gascuel-Odoux, C.; Menesguen, A.; Souchon, Y.; Etrillard, C.; Levain, A.; Moatar, F.; Pannard, A.; Souchu, P.; Lefebvre, A.; Pinay, G. 2019. Eutrophication: A new wine in an old bottle? Science of the Total Environment. 651, 1-11 http://doi.org/10.1016/j.scitotenv.2018.09.139
Bol, R.; Gruau, G.; Mellander, P.E.; Dupas, R.; Bechmann, M.; Skarbovik, E.; Bieroza, M.; Djodjic, F.; Glendell, M.; Jordan, P.; Van der Grift, B.; Rode, M.; Smolders, E.; Verbeeck, M.; Gu, S.; Klumpp, E.; Pohle, I.; Fresne, M.; Gascuel-Odoux, C. 2018. Challenges of Reducing Phosphorus Based Water Eutrophication in the Agricultural Landscapes of Northwest Europe. Frontiers in Marine Science. 5, 16 http://doi.org/10.3389/fmars.2018.00276
Dupas, R.; Minaudo, C.; Gruau, G.; Ruiz, L.; Gascuel-Odoux, C. 2018. Multidecadal Trajectory of Riverine Nitrogen and Phosphorus Dynamics in Rural Catchments. Water Resources Research. 54 (8), 5327-5340 http://doi.org/10.1029/2018wr022905
Fovet, O.; Humbert, G.; Dupas, R.; Gascuel-Odoux, C.; Gruau, G.; Jaffrezic, A.; Thelusma, G.; Faucheux, M.; Gilliet, N.; Hamon, Y.; Grimaldi, C. 2018. Seasonal variability of stream water quality response to storm events captured using high-frequency and multi-parameter data. Journal of Hydrology. 559, 282-293 http://doi.org/10.1016/j.jhydro1.2018.02.040
Fovet, O.; Ruiz, L.; Gruau, G.; Akkal, N.; Aquilina, L.; Busnot, S.; Dupas, R.; Durand, P.; Faucheux, M.; Fauvel, Y.; Flechard, C.; Gilliet, N.; Grimaldi, C.; Hamon, Y.; Jaffrezic, A.; Jeanneau, L.; Labasque, T.; Le Henaff, G.; Merot, P.; Molenat, J.; Petitjean, P.; Pierson-Wickmann, A.C.; Squividant, H.; Viaud, V.; Walter, C.; Gascuel-Odoux, C. 2018. AgrHyS: An Observatory of Response Times in Agro-Hydro Systems. Vadose Zone Journal. 17 (1), 16 http://doi.org/10.2136/vzj2018.04.0066
Gascuel-Odoux, C.; Fovet, O.; Gruau, G.; Ruiz, L.; Merot, P. 2018. Evolution of scientific questions over 50 years in the kervidy-naizin catchment: From catchment hydrology to integrated studies of biogeochemical cycles and agroecosystems in a rural landscape. Cuadernos de Investigación Geográfica. 44 (2), 535-555 http://doi.org/10.18172/cig.3383
Mellander, P.E.; Jordan, P.; Bechmann, M.; Fovet, O.; Shore, M.M.; McDonald, N.T.; Gascuel-Odoux, C. 2018. Integrated climate-chemical indicators of diffuse pollution from land to water. Scientific Reports. 8 http://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-018-19143-1
Piazza, G. A., Dupas, R., Gascuel, C., Grimaldi, C., Pinheiro, A., Kaufmann, V. (2018). Influence of hydroclimatic variations on solute concentration dynamics in nested subtropical catchments with heterogeneous landscapes. Science of the Total Environment, 635, 1091-1101. DOI : 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2018.03.394 http://prodinra.inra.fr/record/455142
Vongvixay, A.; Grimaldi, C.; Dupas, R.; Fovet, O.; Birgand, F.; Gilliet, N.; Gascuel-Odoux, C. 2018. Contrasting suspended sediment export in two small agricultural catchments: Cross-influence of hydrological behaviour and landscape degradation or stream bank management. Land Degradation & Development. 29 (5), 1385-1396 http://doi.org/10.1002/ldr
Bouadi, T.; Cordier, M.O.; Moreau, P.; Quiniou, R.; Salmon-Monviola, J.; Gascuel-Odoux, C. 2017. A data warehouse to explore multidimensional simulated data from a spatially distributed agro-hydrological model to improve catchment nitrogen management. Environmental Modelling & Software. 97, 229-242 http://doi.org/10.1016/j.envsoft.2017.07.019
Matos-Moreira, M.; Lemercier, B.; Dupas, R.; Michot, D.; Viaud, V.; Akkal-Corfini, N.; Louis, B.; Gascuel-Odoux, C. 2017. High-resolution mapping of soil phosphorus concentration in agricultural landscapes with readily available or detailed survey data. European Journal of Soil Science. 68 (3), 281-294 http://doi.org/10.1111/ejss.12420
Minaudo, C.; Dupas, R.; Gascuel-Odoux, C.; Fovet, O.; Mellander, P.E.; Jordan, P.; Shore, M.; Moatar, F.
2017. Nonlinear empirical modeling to estimate phosphorus exports using continuous records of turbidity and discharge. Water Resources Research. 53 (9), 7590-7606 http://doi.org/10.1002/2017wr020590
Dupas, R.; Salmon-Monviola, J.; Beven, K.J.; Durand, P.; Haygarth, P.M.; Hollaway, M.J.; Gascuel-Odoux, C. 2016. Uncertainty assessment of a dominant-process catchment model of dissolved phosphorus transfer. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences. 20 (12), 4819-4835 http://doi.org/10.5194/hess-20-4819-2016
Schuetz, T.; Gascuel-Odoux, C.; Durand, P.; Weiler, M. 2016. Nitrate sinks and sources as controls of spatio-temporal water quality dynamics in an agricultural headwater catchment. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences. 20 (2), 843-857 http://doi.org/10.5194/hess-20-843-2016