Engineer at INRAE / UMR SAS

Email :

Post adress : INRAE Centre Bretagne-Normandie, UMR SAS, 65 rue de St-Brieuc, CS 84215, 35042 Rennes Cedex, France

Keywords : data science, soil quality, exogenous organic matter, digestate

Current research :

  • Multicriteria evaluation of repeated inputs of exogenous organic matter to soils, in a European agricultural context. EOM4SOIL project, EJP Soil consortium (2021-2024).
  • Evaluation of exogenous organic matter quality as a way to promote soil quality, fertilize crops and provide a contamination risk assessement framework. Production of an exogenous organic matter classification and a user-friendly visualisation tool with R shiny. EOM4SOIL project, EJP Soil consortium (2021-2024).

Past research :

  • Caracterization of digestates from agricultural anaerobic digestion - classification according to their amending and fertilizing properties. Evaluation of their potential as a remplacement for mineral fertilizers by conducting a field trial meta-analysis. FertiDig ADEME/GRDF project (2021-2024).