BAZIZ Ouarda

BAZIZ Ouarda

BAZIZ Ouarda

Ph.D. student at INRAE


Address: INRAE, UMR SAS, 65 rue de St-Brieuc, CS 84215, 35042 Rennes Cedex, France

Expertise: Modeling, agronomy, hydrology

Keywords: anaerobic digestion, typology, nitrogen flux, catchment , quality of water


Ph.D. subject: Impact of agricultural anaerobic digestion on water quality in livestock areas

In France, methanisation is expanding rapidly thanks to the support of public policies. In addition to the production of renewable energy in the form of electricity, gas or heat, the development of this sector has led to significant and diverse changes in the practices of the different workshops on the farms concerned. This sector is developing throughout the country, particularly in regions with a high density of livestock such as Brittany. At the same time, Brittany has been facing, for many years, the problem of the quality of its surface waters, especially due to high concentrations of nitrate of agricultural origin in surface waters. The impact, positive or negative, of the development of anaerobic digestion on the water quality of a territory remains however little documented and the subject of debate both locally and in the international scientific literature.

The objective of this thesis is to quantify the impacts of nitric pollution of anaerobic digestion projects in different agronomic and pedoclimatic contexts

Modification date: 06 February 2023 | Publication date: 25 May 2022 | By: SAS