Junior Research Scientist interactions

Junior Research Scientist interactions between water quantity and quality in a context of global change

A position of Junior Research Scientist is open within the Aqua department for an assignment at the UMR SAS in Rennes

Please see the following address for a description of the profile in English and details of how to apply:


The closing date for applications is 5 March 2024.

  • Host unit: UMR Sol, Agro et hydrosystème, Spatialisation (SAS) associating INRAE and Institut Agro Rennes-Angers (https://eng-umrsas.rennes.hub.inrae.fr/)
  • Research theme: quantify how climate change is impacting hydrological fluxes, and the consequences of these changes on water quality in rural catchments.
  • Profile: PhD in hydrology or environmental sciences.
  • Contact: Rémi Dupas (remi.dupas@inrae.fr), Christian Walter (christian.walter@institut-agro.fr).